Dominika Praszner

Case Study of a Chosen Room Through Various Types of Media

Throughout the term I closely analyzed an interior space through different types of media and representation. I chose my bedroom as it has become my safe haven over the past year of challenges and hardships. After careful measurements and analysis I created a photo composite of the space in plan view. Then I translated the rough work into precise line drawings, an interior plan and elevations at the scale of 1:50. I added some character to the room by tracing the furniture and objects, thus creating a fun composition. The next project introduced me to 3D representation, I modelled my space in Rhino and captured a frontal oblique view of the space. Lastly, I suspended my room in outer space by adding custom swatches and I produced a narrative image which represents my cat laying on my bed, hijacking my laptop.

  1. Intro to Digital Communication
    IRC 112
    Stephanie Davidson
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